This is one of the very first sketches that put my ideas onto paper.
This is the final layout that I came up with.
These are the notes that I wrote beside my final layout to tell myself where and what everything was in this artpiece
In this project, I was required to create something that represented ALOHA to me. I chose to draw a woman dancing hula while in front of a sunset because that was the first time I ever experienced Aloha. I remember my sister dancing hula for an event and I believe that is the first time I ever experienced what I think is Aloha. I believe Aloha is belonging to something and being proud of that fact. So, to show that in my artwork I drew a sunset in the background. I mostly did this to represent Hawaii seeing as we are known for beautiful sunsets or sights. It seemed only fitting to use a sunset as the background. Throughout this project, a problem that kept occurring is the darkening of certain parts, like the hula dancer's silhouette. I knew initially that I wanted to make the silhouette the darkest part of the whole artwork so it was a lot of layering and drying time to get it as dark as I wanted it to be.