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In this project, I was required to create something that represented Belonging to me. In the end I chose to include kalo, a waterfall and Maui's hook because these are all things that I associate with home. Especially home here, in Nanakuli. Since I worked with watercolor before, this project wasn't too hard to achieve. I tried to incorporate some different tones of colors in this piece to make certain parts of the picture stand out.  For the word "Belonging" I knew I wanted to do something a little fancy. I specifically chose this font because it stood out but still flowed with the rest of the artwork. Some challenges I faced with this project is the waiting, which I had to do a lot of. Lots of waiting for things to dry so that I could go over that layer with another. I was also struggling with getting parts of the pictures darker than the others while still keeping the rest of it untouched.  

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